Updated: May 29 2024
Life lately:
It seems like the move is going to happen around the beginning of July. Funnily enough, I feel like I'm starting to enjoy living here at my parents' house, or at least I'm finally feeling comfortable and "at home". I just wish we knew getting into this that it would be an almost 1 year situation instead of 3 months like we originally thought, but that's life and I'm trying to learn to be ok with its unpredictability.
Other than that:
Art stuff:
I've been having some existential crises around my art and myself as an artist/illustrator/whatever. Basically, since I started drawing again in 2022, I've been struggling with understanding how I want to share my art with the world. Do I want to be a professional illustrator? Be in galleries? Make merch, have a big following on social media? I'm beginning to understand that I'm letting other's expectations of myself, or rather what I think everyone expects of me, make decisions for me, and it's not what I truly want. I'm a chronic people pleaser, but I don't want to please anyone but myself with my work. I want to make what I want, and even though I have the artistic skills, design and marketing knowledge to make this a full time thing, that's not what I want to do right now, and I don't want to pretend it is anymore. I want art to be my hobby, I want to have fun with it and make whatever I want and don't care about people's opinions. I love my job and it gives me enough time and money to pour into my art practice. I'm basically going "fuck it", the only rule about my art is I need to make it and I need to share it, I don't need to optimize shit, and that goes both for the marketing side of it and the type of work I'm doing.
Atelier update, June will be my last month of going there, after that I'll continue online. I expect to be busy with the move by then, I'll really miss the in person classes, really my least favourite part of moving to a small town.